Thursday, September 11, 2008


This was probably the toughest for me to get through because it was do dry and it drug out what seemed like forever. 
If I am reading about something that is dry such as Remembering i find myself drifting off into daydreams and or falling asleep; due to this the annotated reading strategy that the author writes about seems like it would be a useful strategy that I can take away from the reading. 
Another useful idea he had was about, when writing a remembering essay, be specific about events, names, and dates; this makes the account much more believable and personal. I agree with most of what the essay has to stay, I just believe the essay was way to drug out. 


Blogs for Comp. said...

I know that the essay was really boring, but I also think that it was very helpful. When you have to write a remembering essay you will be able to go back and read this. If may even help you to figure out a place to start if you don’t have a clue where you need to start. If also tells you on some things that you need to do to have the perfect remembering essay and who doesn’t want one of those. So yea it was boring but later on in life it might be like your best friend essay.

Tlandry said...

Weston I agree with you 100%. This essay was ridiculous. It felt like I was reading it for ever, and i kept dazing off thinking of different things. I think that the author could have gave a good description of this subject in half of what he said. All though there are a couple of good points in this essay do you really think that you are going to have to see how someone else writes a remembering essay? It is all stuff that has occurred to you in your lifetime at some point.
Something that may have helped this essay could have been to add a few small essays that may have helped the readers get more into the topic. Which may not have made the story seem so drug out.