Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Attack of the Killer Cats

I did not care for this story at all. It seems to just ramble on about pointless facts about cats and what little animls they kill. In the end there is no conclusion, the author kinda just leaves you thinking, Whats the point? My interest was not sparked in the least, probably because i hate cats.

I did think about one part of the article though, the cats are probably an important part of the ecosystem. I highly doubt that they will have a negative impact. Small mamals and birds reproduce so quickly that a preadator is needed to regulate the population. There is no way that all the cats in the world are going to kill too may of the small animals. Though i do not like cats even the least bit I do believe that they are probably an important part of our environment. There needs to be checks and balances though, if nothing is a preadator towards the cats then we may run into a problem. I suppose that cars on the road may be the preadator in this relationship.


Tlandry said...

Weston I am right there with you about the hatred towards the cats. Although I did find this story easy to read which made it somewhat interesting to me. Although I don't think that it was really necessary for the author to conduct such a informative experiment on cats.

I completely agree with you that the cats purpose in this world may be vidil. Keeping the rodent and bird population to a control is great because there are already plenty of them today. I found your last statement hilarious about the cars keeping the cats population to a sustainable number.

AllisonKogge said...

I agree with you when you say that cats largely contribute to a part of our environment. I also do not particularly love cats, and I never had any idea that cats kill so many birds. However, I also wonder about the question, if cats kill so many birds per year, then what is going to happen when there are a larger number of cats compared to the number of birds? The balance will be thrown off and we will have a problem. Actually, not “us” as in the United States, but “us” as in Great Britain. I do not think that cars will be the predator of cats. Maybe if Great Britain obtains too many cats, China will be the first to welcome them there.