Thursday, October 23, 2008

Christianity and the Survival of Creation

At some points this article was as tough to get through as Thoreau's writing. Not only was the reading tough but Berry's ideas were pretty tough to swallow. I believe that he took an extremest view on this topic. Is it really a plausible argument to assert that we are all one in the same because God made each of us from his spirit, so we are "betraying our family responsibility" and "flinging God's gifts into His face." I do agree with this idea in one aspect though; churches/temples are not exclusively holy holiness is found outside the temples, in the forests, the lakes, the desert. Nearly every place is sacred to someone for one reason. The same goes for the holy people, I believe that the holy people are not the priests but the shepherds and soldiers. This was absolutely not the favorite reading we have done.

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